Owning an Illinois business is a significant accomplishment. However, if you’re going through a divorce, you might worry that everything you’ve built will come crumbling down. This is how a divorce can impact your business and how you can protect it. Effects of...
High-asset Divorce
How can experts help you during your divorce case?
Some individuals in Illinois who are preparing high-asset divorce cases will find that some experts can provide additional assistance during the process. Financial experts can help you during the planning of the divorce, the proceedings themselves and even with your...
Costs don’t end when the divorce decree is signed
A contentious divorce can cost each party tens of thousands of dollars. The spending rarely ends when the divorce decree gets signed, and there are costs that will carry on far after you and your spouse officially become exes. Where will you live? The biggest future...
What are ways I could buy out my spouse?
If your spouse has any ownership stake in your business, you may have to sell your company to split the proceeds in your upcoming divorce. You might prevent this from happening if you can buy out your spouse. If you succeed, you will be the sole owner of your business...
My ex-spouse found someone new — does this affect child support?
In Illinois, courts determine child support through the "percentage of obligor net income" model. Essentially, there is an assumption that you and your ex-spouse split the costs associated with raising your offspring. As the non-custodial parent, a percentage of your...
Divorcing? Make sure you get your fair share
You and your spouse both have a lot to lose in your divorce. You've been together for 15 years and you've built a life together. It's safe to say that neither of you are going to be in the same financial position when you separate, but you want to make sure that you...
Even if you earn a lot, don’t be afraid to ask for support
When you decided that a divorce was right for your situation, it wasn't something you decided upon easily. You knew that it was going to impact your finances and make both of your lives more difficult. You and your spouse live a pretty nice lifestyle now, because you...
Marital finances and the divorce process
People in Illinois who are not knowledgeable about or involved in the family finances may be at a disadvantage during the divorce process. According to a survey by Fidelity Investments, it takes people around five years to recover emotionally and financially from...
Divorce and retirement accounts
When couples in Illinois divorce, financial matters are often a primary concern. Issues that need to be resolved during the divorce process include property division, particularly if a couple owns a home or a business, the division of any existing joint debts, child...
What a divorce financial specialist can provide
Some people in Illinois who are going through a divorce might want to consider adding a divorce financial specialist to their professional team. A divorce financial specialist can bring expertise to matters specifically relating to divorce that other financial...